How Lack of Sleep Could Be Affecting Your Life (and What to Do)

How lack of sleep could be affecting your life

Sleep: no human can live without it. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get around seven to nine hours of sleep per night. For some, this may not be possible. With the stress of everyday life, and increasing reliance on stimulants like caffeine, the ability to fall asleep and get the recommended hours has become difficult. While […]

How Counseling about Work Reduces Depression

how counseling about work reduces depression

Mental health challenges are affecting more and more people at one level or another. One of the most common is depression, and this can make leading a normal life very difficult. Depression can affect someone’s personal, family, and work life and take away much of their motivation. There are different levels of depression, requiring various kinds of […]

How Online Therapy Can Help Teens with Social Anxiety

Online Therapy works for teens with social anxiety

When you think about the young generation, you think of energy, health, and a prospective future. Unfortunately, not every teenager is on a joyride through life. Approximately 20% of adolescents aged 12 to 18, including teens with social anxiety, are affected by mental health disorders. Social anxiety is manifested as social phobia, a deep, persistent […]

How to Work on Your Relationship During a Pandemic

How to Work On Your Relationship During a Pandemic

The world has changed how it interacts because of the coronavirus outbreak. It is recommended that individuals stay home and practice social distancing measures. These changes are affecting persons in all aspects of their lives, including their intimate relationships too. Taking the time and effort to ensure that loved ones are not neglected may not […]

How Do I Find Therapists Near Me?

How do I find Therapists Near Me

If you’re considering therapy, whether it is to recover from trauma, restore a relationship, improve your own mental health condition, or adjust to a new life phase — finding the right therapists near me isn’t that easy. Studies in psychology have found that the bond between you and your therapist has a significant impact on […]

Helpful Ways to Support Your Partner With Depression

helpful ways to support your partner with depression

Depression is among the most prevalent mental health conditions in our modern world and being with a depressed spouse or partner presents numerous challenges that put a strain on any relationship. Here are some do’s and don’ts in supporting a partner with depression, while still nurturing the relationship. How to help your partner when they […]

Selective Mutism for Kids – Causes & Treatment

Selective Mutism for Kids

Has a teacher told you that your child doesn’t speak willingly at school? Does your talkative child suddenly refuse to go with you to a large family gathering or to her dance class? If your kids behave differently at home than they are in school, they may have selective mutism. What is selective mutism? Selective mutism is […]

How to Reduce Anxiety by Establishing A Meditation Practice?

how to reduce anxiety with meditation

There is not one human being that constantly feels at peace. Even when we are resting, there are times that we do not feel as if we truly are. Stress and anxiety are very common among people. Some people even let this rule their lives. Meditation is a practice used by many individuals and is […]

How to Tell If Your Child Is Just a Normal Teenager or Is Struggling with Depression?

is your child just a normal teenager or struggling with depression

The negative effects of poor mental health and teenage depression are becoming more apparent every day. It used to be that a person who was ‘sick in the head’ was considered to be crazy. Through much research and cultural acceptance, mental health issues have become a mainstream discussion.  Teenagers are among the most susceptible to […]

Best Ways Divorce Counseling Can Save You in Your Divorce

how divorce counseling can save you in divorce

Divorce occurs when a married couple decides that they no longer want to remain married. This process causes extreme heartache and pain as their entire world is being torn apart. Divorce means that your whole life is going to change. You no longer have that person to rely on, and you are no longer going […]

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